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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas on KL
Friday, December 17, 2010
The holiday at klang
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lun Sky want to die again?
Chinese Carl say us bully Lun SKy!
人心冷漠或刻意落井下石?偏激网友纷纷留言要Sky Lun早点去死。
截至晚上8时,针对该自杀宣言的留言已近4000个,当中有人好言相劝望Sky Lun别做傻事,却也有许多惟恐天下不乱者在那边怂恿快些自杀,早死早好。
So what we are cold blood? we'r just saying the fact! If he want people to care about him there are so many fucking way why? after alviss case? influent of him right? teenager like to following things now days , whao ! alviss's so cool ... i should make 1 fan page saying i'm going die soon, see how many people come to care about me ! LOL don't make the world world laugh, even u get the care u want , the attention u want, but your reputation is going down, u suck ass ! get what i mean, it's like going into jail and after u come out you go for an interview saying that you had been jailed before, what does the owner think about?
Never mind, he like it we can't help it, many like say " Die faster " , to this kind of people, never care more about them , they only want fame, they only say in the end doesn't have courage to do! - Hey hey Hey! i'm writing here but not encourage your guys to go die ok? - It's not like 60's you jump i jump! you tot titanic ah?
Like alviss now people think like his god , wtf my friend even got scold by a 1996 year kids saying that he have the courage to jump and you don't. . . - Please la to those kids who think it's COOL to jump? Do me a favor ok? don't say so much shit about - courage, for love, bla i don't give a damn to those shit. -
Show him respect ? to the dead? ah please u think this is 9pm drama? then why i did't see you all on TV crying in front of alviss saying why why why u jump? did't wait for me to jump too? come on! i know a lot people support him, but not this kind of way!
It's very bad, like feng shui , we need maintain the yin and yang . like good and bad , we need to maintain, u posted in facebook saying going to die, it's like telling US your going send a bomb to them! - then all the countries who hate US come and join force -
Never think that your the worse in your life ok? I'm saying like this before i saw and i feel about what is the worse in life, before u want to jump , consider 1st ( people from old fox home? children's home? a lot of them doesn't have people want them! got dump like rubbish, got abandon, kids from Africa which keep asking people to donate them for food! ) please la if u really want die , tell your parent , go adopt a kid from children's home to replace u then go sign a contract with the doctor saying that u want to donate ur body part after you die!
You have all active body part and yet u want to die like that? Hello~ people who are blind, deaf, handicap all are poor than you, when they are born people like us think they are imperfect they the one who are worse need us to care more.
Supporter of Alviss i don't know why u think his so cool, comment me , spam me , hate me! i'm telling the fact that, his nothing, why u all did't make a fan page for who die in the war 1 and war 2? they die in pride protecting our country. . .
- Opps cannot say too much later i kena boom , us boom mana mana boom also XD -
facebook for your death?
Hills last Day of the Event.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Boulevard Events
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Hills 3 day fair
Friday, December 10, 2010
Alviss Kong again....
Eat till so Full.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Rip Mr.
在你的世界里...爱情是什么 ?
很傻吧..? 我也觉得自己很傻...我说过的i love u...i said it i meant it...i'll love u till the moment i die
devil bin this is the way how i love,perhaps ppl will think it was crazy
i've never tried to put down my pride my dignity my ego-ness on my first ex...but u were totally diff,i put down my pride my dignity my every shit
just to beg u....but i failed...as always im just a failure in a relation
but that's just me,i'll only do the things which i think its worth...
will i became ur memory forever ? who knows..since u were already special when the first sight i saw u...
perhaps,u'll just fucking laugh at me...i bet there's plenty of ppl will laugh too =) but who cares ?
that's just me...that's the way i are....
the last thing
i do appreciate everything about us....u were the light in my life..u given me determination for my future...but everything is gone...i don't blame u actually...
because 爱情是自由的 ~ so just wish u'll have ya happy life in d future
ILY & IMY ~ sorry that i couldn't brings u to walk until the end of the day
P/S : Please do not blame her....Im the one who decided this..she's just the one given me the motivation n courage.....to my FAMILY,please..i beg of u all,dont ever blame on her...
Sigh.... i wonder how sad ur parent are for now....
your their only boy in the house.
news on net .. Click here. but's in chinese . . . hope i can find english version one.
sigh RIP dude.
Chung Hua No 2